Monday, 26 April 2010

Creative stuff

My intention was to keep my blog fairly anonymous, mostly because i intended my blog really to be a creative outlet, rather than a "mom blog". I never had any intention of broadcasting this to my friends and family. Also I am somewhat bashful about whether I have any discernable talent in the writing department (thus far I don't think it has evidenced itself but it might actually be there somewhere - touch typing lends itself to shorter words - it's only with a fountain pen that you can be really eloquent. Another reason for remaining nameless was that, should the mood take me (or rather, if the blog proves itself to be a good outlet for ranting about my nearest and dearest) I could write with impunity about my friends, family or neighbours.

Taking into consideration all of the above - and also that I haven't as yet got any followers remotely interested in what I have to say - I though I would share some of my work instead...

I have always painted - working mostly with strong colour gouache, acrylic, pen & ink - and even had a successful 4 or 5 years working with glass painting. When the family arrived (I don't mean en masse at the front door, bearing date-and-walnut cake, red wine and potted hyacinths, I mean when I dropped the sprogs) the small scale fiddly creative stuff got packed up and put in the loft and I chose to work on rather larger canvasses. A few people local to me might recognise some of this, which will rather put the kibosh on the anonymity thing, but I haven't slagged anyone off yet , so que sera...

The murals are all done with ordinary household emulsion blended with artist's (student's) acrylics. I'm working on an new one at the minute, for a specific occasion and hope to post it on here soon. I also owe my hubby another one for the garage door too, but that will ahve to happen over the summer, althoug the chinese laquer does tend to go off a bit too quickly on hot metal doors when the sun shines.

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